Wednesday, August 5, 2020

software support engineer job description

Define, with the best possible quality, the characteristics of a software system that meets the business needs of customers and users and that is successfully integrated into the environment in which it is operated. The definition of such a system is made by what is known as a requirements specification .
Manage baselines and requests for changes that occur in the specification of requirements, maintaining traceability between requirements and other development products.
MADEJA gathers requirements engineering as a key part to provide a quality information system. This quality must be understood as the user's satisfaction with the information system provided, which covers the expectations, wishes and needs that the users expressed and that they knew how to collect and implement software support engineer job description.

The result of this task or activity is not static, since new requirements, extensions, even deletions or modifications of existing ones may appear throughout the project. The later we discover new requirements or there are deviations between the requirements and the product, the greater impact it will have in time and cost.

From this point of view, the traceability of the requirements must be considered as a fundamental aspect in the management of a project. That is, update the project requirements as such changes occur, but without forgetting the update , impact and consistency of the documentation associated with it: system analysis, design, validation tests, etc. Below is a graph that reflects the dependencies that are established between the definition of requirements and their project management, its development and the supporting documentation that is generated.

Requirements Engineering is one of the crucial parts in the success of any software project. The appearance of errors or deficiencies during the collection of requirements implies a decrease in the productivity of the development process and, therefore, an increase in its cost. Including proper requirements engineering in the software life cycle will minimize the chance of this happening. Requirements Engineering becomes a key part to be able to measure the quality of a computer system by being able to start defining the battery of tests that the system must pass, guaranteeing that they satisfy the established requirements and therefore the system is valid and functionally it is correct.

Having tools and mechanisms that collect the needs of users and that feed on their opinions, as well as integrating the requirements throughout the development process, are part of the objectives that we cover in these sections within the MADEJA project .

In a structured way, the objectives, responsibilities and products of this area are presented.


Promote the realization of requirements engineering according to the principles of quality and efficiency in development established by MADEJA
Convey the importance of requirements engineering and the traceability of requirements as an aspect of a direct impact on the quality of the information system.

Define and establish guidelines that help standardize the development of processes and activities related to requirements engineering according to the good practices proposed by MADEJA . Establish resources that facilitate the integration of these good practices within the common development of applications
Provide tools that help in the automation, adoption and maintenance of the good practices established by MADEJA for the set of activities and related processes
Provide the template for the System Requirements Specification (ERS) document.

Identify the business needs of customers and users
Develop the requirements of a software system that meets business needs
Manage the software system requirements to develop
MADEJA's requirements engineering methodology defines a series of guidelines and procedures.

As basic concepts in Requirements Engineering there is a role model that intervenes in the general procedure to be carried out to follow the activities of Requirements Engineering.

The application of a methodology that guides Requirements Engineering is essential for an adequate realization of this phase of software development. The contributions and influences in carrying out this methodology are as follows:

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